Parliamentary Elections in Sudan (1953-1968)

 A Historical-Comparative Analysis

The Arab Center has published Parliamentary Elections in Sudan (1953-1968): A Historical-Comparative Analysis by Ahmed Ibrahim Abushouk and El Fatih Abdullahi Abdelsalam. The book discusses the cultural socio-political environment of the five elections held in Sudan between 1953 and 1986 and the resulting legal and constitutional decisions.

The book (416 pp) consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, the authors present an analytical approach related to the first parliamentary elections in Sudan in 1953, the reactions and their implications for the political scene, and the implications of political rivalry on the performance of parliamentary governments. The second chapter discusses the political secretions after the formation of the first parliamentary cabinet of the transitional government, and how they affected the nascent democratic experience, before offering a description of the constitutional and legal framework for the second parliamentary elections in 1958.

In the third chapter, the authors ask a set of central questions related to the third parliamentary elections in 1965: What was the constitutional and legal impact of the political reality produced by the October Revolution in the 1965 elections? What laws and regulations were enacted to regulate electoral procedures? What political parties participated in those elections? What slogans were used by election campaigns? Chapter Four explores the political conditions surrounding the fourth parliamentary elections in 1968, the constitutional and legal framework in which they were held, and the political parties that led the political movement and promoted their electoral programs through the available media at the time.

Finally, in Chapter Five, the authors present an analytical approach regarding the parliamentary elections in 1986. According to the authors, the most recent elections revealed the interaction of the old and the new in shaping the political behavior of the Sudanese citizen as both candidate and voter. Several variables affected the electoral run, including new parties, the method of electoral campaigning, and press reporting. The authors also demonstrated that the rate of voting in geographical constituencies exceeded those in the previous parliamentary elections due to the growing electoral awareness among voters and the spread of education, in addition to the Sudanese people’s delight at the return to democracy.

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