The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies announces that is now receiving research proposals for participation in the international conference on historical studies on the topic: "The History of Hajj in Islamic Countries: Sources, Developments and Challenges", which will be held in January 2026, (Location to be determined).
For Detailed information on themes, please see the Reference Paper.
The conference committee will receive research proposals (about 700 words), accompanied by an updated CV of the researcher in Arabic or English, by no later than January 31, 2025. The proposals must meet the formal and substantive specifications adopted by the Center as set forth on its website, namely: the research problem; its basic issues and hypotheses; the methodology and theoretical frameworks on which the research is based; new treatments, approaches and results in research on the relevant topic; and a list of approved references and basic sources.
Research proposals, along with the researcher’s CV, shall be submitted after creation of a user account on the Arab Center's researchers system at:
After logging in through the researchers' system, the research proposal may be submitted to the Historical Studies Conference via the following steps:
- The research proposal will be subject to internal arbitration by the conference's Academic Committee, and the researcher will be notified of the outcome (acceptance, rejection, or a request for amendments) within 10 to 15 days of submitting the proposal Via the Arab Center's researchers’ system, the Academic Committee must receive the completed research papers (6000-9000 words) whose proposals have been approved no later than August 15, 2025.
- The Committee's approval of a proposal does not mean final approval of the paper’s presentation at the conference, which will be determined by the Committee after completion of the full research paper, as all completed research will be subject to academic arbitration.
- The Arab Center will cover the costs of travel and accommodation for researchers whose papers have been accepted for presentation at the conference.
- No compensation will be paid for any research presented at the conference; all research shall be deemed the intellectual property of the conference and may not be published, in whole in or part, in any electronic or written medium without written approval of the Center.
- The Academic Committee will nominate some research papers for publication in the Center's periodicals, and in a collective work containing the conference proceedings.
For Further Inquiries, please contact the conference secretariat via this Email: