The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies - Lebanon Branch will host an international academic conference, Oral History: Concepts, Methods, and Research Agendas in the Arab Context, in Beirut from February 21 to 24, 2014.
The conference is structured around three themes:
1. Concepts, Methods, and Tools of Oral History
2. Applied Sociology, Culture, Politics, and Economics
3. New Approaches Toward Unique Subjects in Oral History
The Center invites researchers and historians working in the field of oral history to participate in the conference. Interested parties can find submission information below:
- Send a research proposal explaining the research topic (between 700 and 1,000 words) before August 31, 2013;
- If the proposal is approved by the academic committee, a research paper (between 6,000 and 7,000 words) should be sent to the academic committee no later than November 30, 2013;
- Papers will be peer-reviewed during selection; and
- Upon acceptance, the Center will cover travel expenses and lodging in Beirut during the conference.
Please contact the academic committee at the following address:
Dr. Wajih Kawtharani
Tel: 00961-1-991837/8
For more information on the conference's background and themes, please see the attached document.