The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is now accepting research proposals for its fifth annual social sciences and humanities conference (2015-16). The themes of this year’s conference are:
1) The Arab city: Challenges of urbanization
2) Freedom in contemporary Arab thought
Papers on these topics will be considered for the annual prize in the social sciences and humanities, which aims to foster critical academic research.
Please see the conference background paper (here) for more information on themes and sub-themes.
Proposal submission guidelines
1. Submit before June 15, 2015, a CV, and a 1,000-1,500 word summary of the proposed research, which addresses the following points:
a) Conference theme it intends to explore;
b) Research thesis;
c) Main issues addressed/problematics explored;
d) Research method;
e) References and sources.
2. Submissions will be assessed by the conference board. Successful applicants will be asked to submit a 6,000-8,000-word paper (inclusive of footnotes and references) by November 15, 2015. In some cases conference board members will ask that the research be developed. If an author elects not to proceed with incorporating the feedback, they must indicate this by the same date above.
3. Research papers will be peer-reviewed upon submission. Successful candidates will be notified in a timely manner and invited to attend the annual conference.
Proposals should be emailed to
Written research proposals will be accepted in either Arabic and English, but all oral presentations will be delivered in Arabic.