The 31st edition of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies. This issue includes the following articles: " Understanding and Explanation: Methodological Questions and their Hermeneutical Foundations in the Philosophy of Dilthey" Fathi Nguezzou ; "The Concept of the Intellectual: A Reading of The Role of Intellectuals in Historical Transformations " by Ahmad Muflih; and "Was Ibn Taymiyyah a Nominal Philosopher? A Critical Analytical Study on Abu Yarub Al Marzouqi’s Reading of Ibn Taymiyyah" by Abdul Salam Shukri and Raed Al-Samhouri.
The issue also contains Fadya Fadda and Hamid Fadlallah’s translation of “Democracy after Identity” by Oliver Flügel-Martinsen as well as Omar al-Maghribi’s translation of “The Social Function of Philosophy” by Max Horkheimer. There issue is concluded with reviews of Axel Honneth’s The Fragmented World of the Social, Essays in Social and Political Philosophy by Bachir Rebouh and Rachid Boutayeb’s The Critique of Freedom: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas by Abdul-Hakim Shubat.
Selected articles from this and the previous edition are available for free download at the Tabayyun Website along with open access past issues of the journal.