
Tabayyun Issue 46 CoverThe 46th issue of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. This issue includes the following articles: "Reflections on Contemporary Arab Moral Thought: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Ethics and Politics" by Rasheed AlHaj Saleh; "The Discourse of Moral Modernity by Charles Larmor" by Zwawi Beghoura; "Morals and Politics: The Individual and Institutional Dialectic" by Ahmad Nazir Atassi; "Can Morality Be Established without a Foundation? Views on the Morality of Postmodernism" by Ali Hakim Salih; "The Ethical Implications of Tolerance in Thomas Scanlon's Philosophy" by Michael Medhat; "The Problematic of Freedom in Contemporary Arab Thought: between Lotfi El Sayed and Abdallah Laroui" by Soufian EL Barrak.

Najib Elhassadi provides Tabayyun 46 with a translation of Elizabeth Anscombe's "Modern Moral Philosophy".

The issue also contains Abdelkrim Anayat's review of From Ethical Diversity to Ethics of Diversity by Abdelkader Mellouk, and Mohammad Osman Mahmoud's review of Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy by John Rawls.