“Khaldoun al-Naqeeb: Critical Social Sciences in the Arab and Gulf Context” Symposium“Khaldoun al-Naqeeb: Critical Social Sciences in the Arab and Gulf Context” Symposiumhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/Khaldoun-al-naqeeb-critical-social-sciences-in-the-arab-and-gulf-context-symposium.aspx2/5/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>The Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies Unit at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies will host a symposium titled “Khaldoun al-Naqeeb: Critical Social Sciences in the Arab and Gulf Context” on Thursday 13 February 2025.<br/></p>
Wars, the Libyan State, Political Science in the Arab World, and Human Right Topics for Issue 17 of Al-MuntaqaWars, the Libyan State, Political Science in the Arab World, and Human Right Topics for Issue 17 of Al-Muntaqahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/wars-the-libyan-state-political-science-in-the-arab-world-and-human-right-topics-for-issue-17-of-al-muntaqa.aspx2/3/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published Issue 17 (September/October 2024) of the peer-reviewed English language journal Al-Muntaqa: New Perspectives on Arab Studies. It features six articles, an analysis of the Arab Opinion Index survey, and one book review.<br/></p>
Issue 17 of Al-Muntaqa Now AvailableIssue 17 of Al-Muntaqa Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/issue-17-of-al-muntaqa-now-available.aspx1/28/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published Issue 17 (September/October 2024) of the peer-reviewed English language journal Al-Muntaqa: New Perspectives on Arab Studies.<br/></p>
Omran to Hold Conference “Research in Dark Times” in Cooperation with UNESCO Chair at the University of BaghdadOmran to Hold Conference “Research in Dark Times” in Cooperation with UNESCO Chair at the University of Baghdadhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/omran-to-hold-conference-research-in-dark-times.aspx1/28/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>On Tuesday, 4 February 2025, Omran Journal of Social Sciences (published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies), in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair on Genocide Prevention Studies in the Islamic World at the University of Baghdad, is launching the conference “Research in a Time of Great Darkness: Genocide, War Crimes, and Political Violence”.<br/></p>
Final Day of the Third Annual Palestine Forum in DohaFinal Day of the Third Annual Palestine Forum in Dohahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/final-day-of-the-third-annual-palestine-forum-in-doha.aspx1/26/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>Monday, 27 January 2025, marked the third and final day of the Annual Palestine Forum, which continued with extensive discussions, panels, and a concluding symposium.<br/></p>
2025 Annual Palestine Forum - Second Day2025 Annual Palestine Forum - Second Dayhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/2025-annual-palestine-forum-day2.aspx1/25/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>On Sunday, 26 January 2025, the second day of the Annual Palestine Forum continued with a full schedule of presentations in addition to an evening symposium. Dozens of researchers shared their work on wide-ranging topics such as Palestinian citizenship within Israel, Palestinian women’s experiences under genocide, aesthetics in Palestinian resistance, Jerusalem, emerging settlement trends in the West Bank, and the critical ramifications of ongoing attacks on refugee camps.<br/></p>
The 2025 Annual Palestine Forum Launched in DohaThe 2025 Annual Palestine Forum Launched in Dohahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/2025-annual-palestine-forum-day1.aspx1/24/2025 9:00:00 PM<p><span style="font-size: 16px;">On </span><span style="font-size: 16px;">Saturday, 25 January 2025, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Institute for Palestine Studies launched the Third Annual Palestine Forum in Doha. This year, more than 105 peer-reviewed academic papers, selected from a large number of submissions, are being presented in specialized sessions running in four parallel tracks, in addition to an evening symposium.</span><br/></p>
Azmi Bishara Opens the Annual Palestine Forum with Keynote LectureAzmi Bishara Opens the Annual Palestine Forum with Keynote Lecturehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/azmi-bishara-opening-keynote-3rd-annual-palestine-forum.aspx1/24/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>On Saturday, 25 January 2025, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Institute for Palestine Studies launched the Third Annual Palestine Forum in Doha. Azmi Bishara, the General Director of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), delivered the keynote lecture of the third Annual Palestine Forum, discussing the recent developments in the Palestinian cause and the dimensions of Palestinian steadfastness in the face of the ongoing Israeli genocide. <br/></p>
The Sixth International Winter School Comes to an EndThe Sixth International Winter School Comes to an Endhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/the-sixth-international-winter-school-comes-to-an-end.aspx1/18/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>​The sixth ACRPS International Winter School, “Media in Wartime” drew to a close on 16 January 2025<br/></p>
The Third Annual Palestine Forum 2025The Third Annual Palestine Forum 2025https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/the-third-annual-palestine-forum-2025.aspx1/17/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>The third Annual Palestine Forum, organized by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in collaboration with the Institute for Palestine Studies, begins on Saturday, 25 January 2025, in Doha. The Forum will run for three days until 27 January.<br/></p>
ACRPS International Winter School in ProgressACRPS International Winter School in Progresshttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/acrps-international-winter-school-in-progress.aspx1/14/2025 9:00:00 PM<div></div><div>The second day of the ACRPS International Winter School, “Media in Wartime”, ushered in a gathering of international students and academics from around the world who set the stage for the remainder of a week in which participants engaged in rounds of paper presentations and discussions.<br/></div><p><br/></p><div><br/></div><p><br/></p>
The Sixth Round of International Winter School CommencesThe Sixth Round of International Winter School Commenceshttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/the-sixth-round-of-international-winter-school-commences.aspx1/10/2025 9:00:00 PM<p style="font-size: 16px;">The sixth ACRPS International Winter School, titled “Media in Wartime”, began on Saturday 11 January 2025.</p><div><br/><br/></div><p><br/></p>
Exploring “Media in Wartime”: 2025 International Winter SchoolExploring “Media in Wartime”: 2025 International Winter Schoolhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/exploring-media-in-wartime-2025-international-winter-school.aspx1/5/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>Saturday, 11 January 2025, marks the start of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies’ sixth International Winter School program, which will address the theme of “Media in Wartime”.<br/></p>
tabayyun 51 now availabletabayyun 51 now availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/Tabayyun-51-Now-Available.aspx1/5/2025 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published issue 51 of the peer-reviewed journal Tabayyun: Philosophical Studies and Critical Theories. <br/></p>
Hikama 9 Now AvailableHikama 9 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/hikama-9-now-available.aspx12/24/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the ninth issue (Autumn 2024), of Hikama, the biannual peer-reviewed public administration and public policy journal.<br/></p>
Register Now to Attend – 2025 International Winter School on “Media in Wartime”Register Now to Attend – 2025 International Winter School on “Media in Wartime”https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/register-now-to-attend-2025-international-winter-school.aspx12/16/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) has opened registration to attend the 6th International Winter School. This round is centred on the theme of “Media in Wartime” will take place from 11-16 January 2025 at the ACRPS<br/></p>
Siyasat Arabiya 68 Now AvailableSiyasat Arabiya 68 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/siyasat-arabiya-68-now-available.aspx12/4/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 68th issue of Siyasat Arabiya, a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal of political science and international relations.<br/></p>
omran 50 now availableomran 50 now availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/omran-50-now-available.aspx12/1/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>​The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 50th issue (Autumn 2024) of the quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences.<br/></p>
conclusion of the gulf studies forum in dohaconclusion of the gulf studies forum in dohahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/conclusion-of-the-gulf-studies-forum-in-doha.aspx11/30/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>​Sunday, 1 December 2024 saw the conclusion of the 11th Annual Gulf Studies Forum, convened by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies on 30 November–1 December 2024, addressing the topic of “Arab Gulf States and the Palestine Question” in its first track, and of “The Gulf City as a Structure and Social Agent” in its second track.<br/></p>
Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qatar, Dr Al-Khulaifi, stresses the importance of adhering to a just solution to the Palestine QuestionMinister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qatar, Dr Al-Khulaifi, stresses the importance of adhering to a just solution to the Palestine Questionhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/qatar-minister-of-state-opens-gulf-studies-forum-emphasising-just-solution-for-palestine.aspx11/29/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>On 30 November 2024, Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi opened the Eleventh Gulf Studies Forum by welcoming attendees and participants, following an introduction by Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies Unit Researcher, Alanoud Al-Khalifa. Al-Khulaifi began his talk by stressing the role of the Arab Center in spreading public awareness of the matters concerning the region, especially the Gulf.<br/></p>
Launch of Eleventh Annual Gulf Studies ForumLaunch of Eleventh Annual Gulf Studies Forumhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/launch-of-eleventh-annual-gulf-studies-forum.aspx11/29/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The 11th Annual Gulf Studies Forum, held by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Doha from 30 November-1 December 2024, came underway in Doha on Saturday 30 November. This round is organized into two tracks, the first is “Arab Gulf States and the Palestine Question” and the second is “The Gulf City as a Structure and Social Agent”. Researchers from the Gulf, other Arab states, and beyond will present a total of 40 research papers across 14 sessions and a keynote.<br/></p>
The Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies Forum in its Eleventh RoundThe Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies Forum in its Eleventh Roundhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/the-gulf-and-arabian-peninsula-studies-forum-in-its-eleventh-round.aspx11/18/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies will host the eleventh Gulf Studies Forum from 30 November to 1 December 2024. Across 14 sessions and two public lectures, participants will address the topics of “Arab Gulf States and the Palestine Question” and “The Gulf City as a Structure and Social Agent”.<br/></p>
tabayyun 50 now availabletabayyun 50 now availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/tabayyun-50-now-available.aspx10/14/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published issue 50 of the peer-reviewed journal Tabayyun: Philosophical Studies and Critical Theories. This issue includes a special collection on the status and contribution of the philosophy of law to contemporary global and Arab philosophical thought.<br/></p>
Iraqi National Identity, Hybrid Coalition in Sudan, Iraqi Judiciary, Palestinians in Saudi Arabia, and Israeli Colonial Paternalism, Topics for Issue 16 of Al-MuntaqaIraqi National Identity, Hybrid Coalition in Sudan, Iraqi Judiciary, Palestinians in Saudi Arabia, and Israeli Colonial Paternalism, Topics for Issue 16 of Al-Muntaqahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/al-muntaqa16-topics-iraqi-national-identity-and-judiciary-palestinians-in-saudi-arabia-israeli-colonial-paternalism.aspx10/13/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published Issue 16 (May/June 2024) of the peer-reviewed English language journal Al-Muntaqa: New Perspectives on Arab Studies. It features five articles, an analysis of the Arab Opinion Index survey on Israel’s war on Gaza, in addition to a book review.<br/></p>
Siyasat Arabiya 67 Now AvailableSiyasat Arabiya 67 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/siyasat-arabiya-67-now-available.aspx10/9/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 67th issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya.<br/></p>
Postponement of the Iranian Studies Unit’s Fourth Annual ConferencePostponement of the Iranian Studies Unit’s Fourth Annual Conferencehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/postponement-of-the-iranian-studies-units-fourth-annual-conference.aspx10/5/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>In light of ongoing regional developments, the Arab Center’s Iranian Studies Unit has decided to postpone its Fourth Annual Conference, “The Social Sciences and Humanities in Iran: Possibilities and Constraints”. The event, originally set to take place on 9 and 10 October 2024, will be rescheduled and new dates will be announced as soon as possible.<br/></p>
Issue 16 of Al-Muntaqa Now AvailableIssue 16 of Al-Muntaqa Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/almuntaqa-issue16-now-available.aspx9/30/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published Issue 16 (May/June 2024) of the peer-reviewed English language journal Al-Muntaqa: New Perspectives on Arab Studies.<br/></p>
The Iranian Studies Unit Annual Conference, “The Social Sciences and Humanities in Iran: Possibilities and Constraints”The Iranian Studies Unit Annual Conference, “The Social Sciences and Humanities in Iran: Possibilities and Constraints”https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/isu-annual-conference-the-social-sciences-and-humanities-in-iran-possibilities-and-constraints.aspx9/28/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies Iranian Studies Unit  is holding its Fourth Annual Conference, titled “The Social Sciences and Humanities in Iran: Possibilities and Constraints,” on 9-10 October 2024.<br/></p>
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Siyasat Arabiya on the State and DevelopmentCall for Papers: Special Issue of Siyasat Arabiya on the State and Developmenthttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/siyasat-arabiya-special-issue-call-for-papers.aspx9/25/2024 9:00:00 PM<p><em>Siyasat Arabiya</em>, the Arab Center and Doha Institute published journal specialized in Political Science is delighted to announce a call for papers for a special issue on “The State and Development: Theoretical Debates and Practical Applications”. <br/></p>
Ostour 21 Now AvailableOstour 21 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/ostour-21-now-available.aspx9/11/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>Issue 21 of the biannual peer-reviewed journal Ostour has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. </p><br/>
Siyasat Arabiya 66 Now AvailableSiyasat Arabiya 66 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/siyasat-arabiya-66-now-available.aspx9/1/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 66th issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, <em>Siyasat Arabiya</em>.</p><br/>
Tabayyun 49 Now AvailableTabayyun 49 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/tabayyun-issue49-published.aspx8/24/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published issue 49 of the peer-reviewed journal <em>Tabayyun: Philosophical Studies and Critical Theories</em>. </p><br/>
Siyasat Arabiya and Middle East Law & Governance: Special Issue on Quantitative Methods in the Political Science of the Arab Region Call for PapersSiyasat Arabiya and Middle East Law & Governance: Special Issue on Quantitative Methods in the Political Science of the Arab Region Call for Papershttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/call-for-papers-for-special-issue-quantitative-methods-in-the-political-science-of-the-arab-region.aspx8/7/2024 9:00:00 PM<p><em>Siyasat Arabiya</em> and <em>Middle East Law & Governance</em> (<em>MELG</em>) are pleased to announce this call for papers for dual special issues on quantitative methods in the political science of the Arab region. Over the course of two decades, there has been a dramatic rise in quantitative studies published in leading English-language political science journals.<br/></p>
Omran 49 Now AvailableOmran 49 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/omran-49-now-available.aspx8/4/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 49<sup>th</sup> issue (Summer 2024) of the quarterly peer-reviewed journal <em>Omran</em>, dedicated to the social sciences.<br/></p>
Siyasat Arabiya 64-65 Now AvailableSiyasat Arabiya 64-65 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/siyasat-arabiya-64-65-now-available.aspx7/3/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 64<span data-tooltip-content="#tooltip_content2">th</span> and 65<span data-tooltip-content="#tooltip_content2">th</span> issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya.</p> <br/>
International Winter School Submission Deadline Extended until 20 August 2024International Winter School Submission Deadline Extended until 20 August 2024https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/International-winter-school-submission-deadline-extended-until-20-August-2024.aspx6/30/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies has extended the deadline to submit applications for the sixth round of its International Winter School (IWS) on “Media in Wartime” until 20 August 2024.<br/></p>
2024 Annual Conference on Arab Migration2024 Annual Conference on Arab Migrationhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/2024-annual-conference-on-arab-migration.aspx6/22/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The 2024 Annual Conference on Arab Migration, organized by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Paris, in collaboration with the European Mediterranean Institute and the Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Studies, will take place on Thursday, 27 June at the House of Latin America, Paris, for a full day of study.<br/></p>
Al-Muntaqa Special Issue on the Genocide in Gaza Now AvailableAl-Muntaqa Special Issue on the Genocide in Gaza Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/al-muntaqa-special-issue-on-the-genocide-in-gaza-now-available.aspx6/9/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published Issue 15 (January/February 2024) of the peer-reviewed journal Al-Muntaqa: New Perspectives on Arab Studies. The special issue titled “Genocide in Gaza: The Ongoing Nakba” features nine articles analysing various aspects of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.<br/></p>
Extension of Submission Deadline for the 2025 “Annual Palestine Forum”Extension of Submission Deadline for the 2025 “Annual Palestine Forum”https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/extension-of-submission-deadline-for-the-2025-annual-palestine-forum.aspx5/31/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>​The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Institute for Palestine Studies are extending the deadline to submit applications to participate in third round of the Annual Palestine Forum until 30 June 2024.<br/></p>
Issue 8 of Hikama Now AvailableIssue 8 of Hikama Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/issue-8-of-hikama-now-available.aspx5/27/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the eighth issue (Spring 2024), of Hikama, the biannual peer-reviewed public administration and public policy journal.<br/></p>
Tabayyun 48 Now AvailableTabayyun 48 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/tabayyun-48-now-available.aspx5/22/2024 9:00:00 PM<p><span style="font-size: 16px;">The 48</span><span style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 0; vertical-align: baseline; top: -0.5em;">th</span><span style="font-size: 16px;"> issue of Tabayyun</span><span style="font-size: 16px;"> has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. </span><br/></p>
Omran 48 Now AvailableOmran 48 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/omran-48-now-available.aspx5/11/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 48th issue (Spring 2024) of the quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences.<br/></p>
Press Release: Launch of Syrian Memory Press Release: Launch of Syrian Memory https://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/press-release-launch-of-syrian-memory.aspx5/5/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies has launched syrianmemory.org, a digital archive documenting the events of the Syrian revolution on Monday, 6 May 2024 in Doha. The website hosts a comprehensive database equipped with specialized search engines that serves as an archive for research linked to the Syrian revolution.<br/></p>
Launch of Syrian Memory: A Digital Archive Documenting Events since the Outbreak of the Syrian RevolutionLaunch of Syrian Memory: A Digital Archive Documenting Events since the Outbreak of the Syrian Revolutionhttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/launch-of-syrian-memory-digital-archive.aspx4/30/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>On Monday, 6 May 2024, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is launching the Syrian Memory platform, a digital archive created to document events in Syria since the outbreak of the revolution in March 2011.<br/></p>
Conference on Institutions and Development in Arab Countries to Convene in DohaConference on Institutions and Development in Arab Countries to Convene in Dohahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/conference-on-institutions-and-development-in-arab-countries-to-convene-in-doha.aspx4/23/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>Doha, Qatar – April 24, 2024 – The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, in partnership with the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait, will host a conference titled "Institutions and Development in Arab Countries: Challenges and Opportunities." The conference will commence on Sunday, April 28, 2024, at the Arab Center's headquarters in Doha.<br/></p>
Istishraf 8 Now AvailableIstishraf 8 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/istishraf-8-now-available.aspx4/17/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published their eighth yearbook, <em><a href="/en/News/Pages/istishraf-8-now-available.aspx">Istishraf</a></em>.<br/></p><br/>
Siyasat Arabiya 63 Now AvailableSiyasat Arabiya 63 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/siyasat-arabiya-63-now-available.aspx4/10/2024 9:00:00 PM<p><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 63rd issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya.</span></span><br/></p>
Ostour 20 Now AvailableOstour 20 Now Availablehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/ostour-issue-20-published.aspx3/19/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>Issue 20 of the biannual peer-reviewed journal Ostour has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies<br/></p>
fourth arab graduate students conference closes in dohafourth arab graduate students conference closes in dohahttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/fourth-arab-graduate-students-conference-closes-in-doha.aspx3/4/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>On Monday, 4 March 2024, the fourth Arab Graduate Students Conference at the Arab Center in Doha, concluded. This year, 67 researchers in the fields of social sciences and humanities at Western universities participated in the conference. Researchers presented their papers based on their doctoral theses, and the participants received comments from academics specialized in various fields of their research.<br/></p>
Azmi Bishara Lecture “The Palestine Question, Anti-Semitism and the New McCarthyism” at the Arab Graduate Students ConferenceAzmi Bishara Lecture “The Palestine Question, Anti-Semitism and the New McCarthyism” at the Arab Graduate Students Conferencehttps://www.dohainstitute.org/en/News/Pages/azmi-bishara-lecture-palestine-question-anti-semitism-new-mccarthyism-at-arab-graduate-students-conf.aspx3/2/2024 9:00:00 PM<p>The fourth ACRPS Conference for Arab Graduate Students in Western Universities launched on Saturday, 2 March 2024. Azmi Bishara, General Director of the Arab Center, delivered the opening lecture, “The Question of Palestine, Anti-Semitism, and the New McCarthyism”<br/></p>