Contact the ACRPS

Postal, telephone and email contacts for specific divisions and individuals within the ACRPS Doha Office
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies
المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات
N. 196, Al-Tarfa Street, Wadi Al Banat
Al-Dayaen, Qatar
PO Box 10277, Doha
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies
Al-Tarfa Street, Wadi Al Banat
Al-Dayaen, Qatar
PO Box 10277, Doha


General Director's Office:

Public Relations/Media Outreach
Conferences and Events
Human Resources and Employment
Research Department (to send research submissions)
Distribution (for ACRPS publications)
Publications Department (for book manuscripts and PhD theses)
The Arab Opinion Index
The Book Translation Unit

Journals (contacts to submit drafts)

For general enquiries:

The ACRPS Bookstore in Doha (to acquire books, journals and special editions published by the ACRPS):

Ahmed Hammad


Normal business hours for the Doha office: 

From 8:00 - 16:00 (4 PM) from Sunday through Thursday, excluding public holidays in Qatar. Please note that holidays differ for the Beirut and Tunis offices.
