Recently published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Abderrazak Douay's On Culture and Discourse on the Clash of Cultures: A Dialogue on National Identities in the Age of Globalization (215 pp.) critically analyzes the problematic posed by culture in contemporary thinking. Douay presents a discussion on the question of dialogue between national identities in the age of globalization, encompassing the concept of culture and its evolution.
The book approaches culture from the perspective of psychoanalysis and anthropology, and touches on questions of Western superiority and culture wars, as well as the debate between the "clash of civilizations" versus the notion of dialogue between civilizations. In addition, the author looks into the problems inherent in cultural globalization, and questions identity in an age defined by globalization and satellite television.
The book then moves on to discuss the ideas of a number of historians and other scholars from a variety of disciplines, including Sayed Yassin, Radwan al-Sayyed, Wajih Kawtharani, Mohammed Abed al-Jabery, and Nadia Mustafa. The main conclusion drawn is that opposition to globalization does not and should not imply a refutation of modernity and its components, such as rationality, enlightenment, modern science, democracy, and human rights. Instead, the author posits that a noble resistance to globalization should be rooted in the same humanist values as modernity.