Sociologist Elia Zureik’s study “Zionism and Imperialism” opens Omran’s Spring 2014 issue, followed by noted demographer Youssef Courbage’s “Demography and Conflict in the Israel/Palestine Context”. Tawfiq Haddad’s study, “Political Economy in the Analysis of the Palestinian Movement,” is then offered, and acclaimed author and University of Exeter Professor Illan Pappe weighs in with his paper, “Political Struggle and the Academy”. To conclude the Palestinian focus of the issue, readers are given an Arabic translation of Sahera Bleibleh’s “Walking Through Walls: The Invisible War”.
Two further papers supplement the studies devoted to Palestine within this edition of Omran. These include Moroccan Hisham Khabbash’s “Why Do We Care So Much About What Others Think? An Introduction to Sociological Epistemology,” and Tunisian Adel Belhage Rahouma’s “The Formation of the Individual and the Constituents of Individuality in Tunisian Society".
In the issue’s “Book Review” section, Walid Noueihed reviews a number of books recently published by the ACRPS relating to the Arab uprisings, and Yahya Bin Waleed presents readings from the Arabic translation of Moroccan Hassan Rachik’s Le Proche et le Lointain: un siècle d’anthopologie au Maroc [The Proximate and the Distant: A Century of Anthropology in Morocco]. The ACRPS’s Nerouz Satik reviews a group of works, including Amal Tantawi’s The Marginalized of Upper Egypt, Walid al Zabidi’s Volcano: The Story of the Launch of the Iraqi Resistance, and Wajih Kawtharani’s The Problematics of State and Community and Issues of Methodology in Lebanese Historical Writing. The final book review is Ziad Mona’s discussion of Records of Dispossession: Palestinian Refugee Property and the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Michael Fischbach. The issue closes with a report on the ACRPS’s Third Annual Conference of Social Sciences and Humanities, held in Tunisia from March 20 to March 22, 2014.
To obtain issues of the journal or of individual articles, either in print or electronic form, or for an annual subscription, please visit the ACRPS Digital Bookstore. (Arabic language site.)