The editorial board of Omran, a quarterly journal dedicated to the promotion of social sciences research in Arab, invites interested authors to submit work to its twenty-fifth issue to be released in the summer of 2018 and which will be devoted the role of the Arab women's movement in wider social protest.
Authors who wish for their work to be considered for this upcoming special issue should submit a proposed abstract of no more than 500 words no later 5 November, 2017. Prospective authors will be notified of the decision to accept their abstract or otherwise no later than 15 November, 2017 while completed drafts for approved abstracts should be received by 15 April, 2018. Complete drafts should be no longer than 7,000 (seven thousand) words in length and will be subject to a further round of peer review. Book reviews and critiques, no longer than 2,500 words and which address the same subject are also accepted, provided that the books being reviewed were published within the last three years (from the date of publication of this notice).
Further details of the concept behind this special edition can be found here.
All correspondence should be addressed to: