In association with a network of selected academics, cultural figures and cultural institutions centered on the College of Arts, Humanities and Fine Art within Manouba University of Tunisia, the Tunis office of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies will host “On the Political Realm in Islamic Countries: Thought, Patterns and Places” from October 8-10, 2015. The Academic Committee which oversees the symposium now invites interested scholars to submit research papers within the scope provided by the Background Paper. Submissions will be accepted in accordance with the following:
1) Together with a brief CV, scholars should submit an exhaustive abstract of no more than 400 words which includes: an outline of their proposed research paper, the research problem it addresses, methodologies and approaches and a list of the references and sources used, no later than June 30, 2015. All submissions should be sent to both and
2) Proposals which are accepted in principle are then sent for review by a specialized academic committee for refereeing. Beginning on July 20, 2015, authors will be notified of the committee’s decision, either positive or negative, in writing and may also be asked to make specific amendments.
3) Completed submissions should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes and bibliography/list of references.
Full details are available in the Background Paper (link here).