The ACRPS has published the 35th issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal Siyasat Arabiya, covering political sciences and international relations. This issue includes: "The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Daesh): A General Framework and Critical Contribution to Understanding the Phenomenon" by Azmi Bishara; "Citizens or Dhimmis? The Muslim Brotherhood and Political Rights of Copts in Egypt" by Khalil al-Anani; "The Army, the Government, and the State in Algeria: From a Populist Ideology to a Neopatrimonial state" by Nouri Dris; "De-mobilizing a Mobilized Society: The Effect of the Palestinian Authority on Political Engagement" by Dana El Kurd; "The European Union and Democratic Transition in the Arab World: The Limits of Normative Power" by Mohamed Hamchi; and "The End of India's Reluctant West Asian Policy" by Omair Anas.
Also included in this issue is a report by the Public Opinion Polling Unit entitled "What are the Determinants of Sectarian Sentiments?" alongside documentation of the Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World 1/9/2018 - 31/10/2018 and Palestine Over Two Months 1/9/2018 - 31/10/2018. The book reviews include Lucian Boia's The End of the West? Towards the World of Tomorrow reviewed by Otmane Atmania and Pierre Gernaud's The Chinese Enigma: China's Strategy, Power and Impact since the Cold War, reviewed by Hikmat al-Abd al-Rahman. The issue ends with a report on the Symposium "Bullets to Ballots: Transformations from Armed to Unarmed Political Activism" by Sofia Hnezla.
The journal is available for purchase and selected articles are free to download at the Siyasat Arabiya website.