The ACRPS has published the 37th issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal Siyasat Arabiya, covering political sciences and international relations. This issue includes: "Liberalization without Democracy: The Role of External Factors in the Stability of Moroccan Authoritarianism" by Mohamed Ahmed Bennis; "The Military Establishment in the Balance of the Libyan and Tunisian Revolutions" by Larbi Larbi; Crisis of the Yemeni State: Background and Determinants by Hani Mousa; "Network Technology in the Face of Tyranny: from the Prisoner's Dilemma to the Jailer's Dilemma" by Sharif Abdul Rahman Al-Nasr; "The Small State's External Impact According to the Networks Analysis Approach: The Case of Jordan" by Samir Ramzy and "Gulf States and the Challenges of Energy Transformations by Rashid Bazeem.
The issue also includes a review by Ali Hakim Salih of "The Origins of Political Order, Political Development and Decay: Review of Fukuyama's Two Books about the Origins of Political Order". The issue also included a paper prepared by Nabil Hussein on the Arab Opinion Index, entitled "Fragile State Index in Arab Public Opinion", in addition to documenting the most important " Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World" and "Palestine over two Months" in the period 1/1/2019 28/2/2019.
The journal is available for purchase and selected articles are free to download at the Siyasat Arabiya website.