The ACRPS has published the fourth issue of Tabayyun, a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to philosophical and cultural studies, with Dr. Azmi Bishara serving as editor in chief. The fourth issue focuses on current issues relating to "The Constitution in Modern Arab Thought," the second part of a dual-issue started in Issue 3, which focused on historical issues. Research papers included in this issue are: Antoine Massara, "Managing Religious and Cultural Pluralism in the Rulings of Arab Constitutional Courts and Assemblies"; Arend Liebhart, "Constitutional Planning in Divided Societies"; Muhammad Taha Aliwa, "Egypt on the Threshold of the Second Republic"; Faeq Haweja, "The Rule of Law as Enshrined in the Syrian Constitution: An Analysis of the 1973 and 2012 Constitutional Texts"; Mohammed al-Maleki, "A Reading of Morocco's New Constitution"; and Mohammed al-Ghali, "The Moroccan Constitution of 2011 in Light of the Arab Spring: The Dialectic of Permanence and Change".
The essays in this issue include: Azmi Bishara's "On the Intellectual and Revolution"; Mazouz Abdelali's "Paths of Tolerance"; Tibi Ghammari's "Religion, Culture, and Globalization: Grounds for Dialogue or Division"; and Rasoul Mohammed Rasoul's "Signs in Thomas Hobbes Writings".
In Tabayyun's "From the Library" section, the journal's editors have made available three rare texts. These include two lectures presented by Shakib Arslan in Damascus in 1937, titled "The Arab Scientific Renaissance in the Last Century" and "Arab Unity". The third, also a lecture, is Qadri Hafez Touqan's presentation of "Jamal al-Din al-Afghani: His Ideas, Struggles, and Impact on the Renaissance of the East" in Jerusalem during 1947.
Also included in this section are two critical, and thorough, book reviews: Nader Kazem's review of a set of Arabic publications related to the question of civil society and democratic transition and Haitham Mzahem's review of Clifford Geertz's The Interpretation of Cultures.
In closing, the fourth issue of Tabayyun includes a report on the Second Annual Conference on the Social Sciences and Humanities, which the ACRPS convened and hosted in Doha from March 30-31, 2013.