The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) concluded a cooperation agreement with the "Arab Thought Forum" aiming at strengthening collaboration between the two sides in common intellectual and scientific fields.
This cooperation will be translated through common projects and activities between the two institutions, in addition to the exchange of experiences, information, and publications.
The agreement was concluded on August 14th 2011 in the Forum's headquarters in Amman, where it was signed, on behalf of the Center, by Dr. Azmi Bishara, General Director of ACRPS, and, representing the Arab Thought Forum, Dr. Fayez al-Khasawna, acting Secretary General of the Forum. The signing was also attended by Dr. Taher Kanaan representing the Center and Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Azeez on behalf of the Forum.
The Arab Thought Forum is a non-governmental Arab intellectual organization that includes in its membership scholars and intellectuals from different Arab countries; it was founded in 1981 at the heels of the Eleventh Arab Summit through an initiative by Arab intellectuals and decision makers.
The Forum aims at providing an open environment for purposeful debate towards the formulation of a contemporary Arab thought towards questions of Arab unity, development, national security, liberation, and progress. The Arab Thought Forum is headquartered in the Jordanian Capital Amman.