The energy
issue is one of great importance to the Arab World. Serious questions are being
raised about how to manage the period after peak oil and peak gas, as well as
energy consumption, efficiency and sustainable development. To confront these
challenges, radical change is needed in energy systems and models of
consumption, as well as promotion of clean, renewable, sustainable energy. This
in turn requires a collective effort to develop and efficiently implement
public and private policies and to produce studies and research, particularly in the fields
of innovation and forecasting. The third edition of Istishraf has thus
been dedicated to the topic ‘Forecasting the Future of Energy.’
This edition comprises three sections: studies, translations, and reviews.
The studies section includes ten studies which through research and analysis
consider the problems of energy sources in the Arab World, not neglecting to
study the future of energy globally and its technological transformation. The
translations section focuses on clean and renewable energy and its role in the
future of the energy market. The reviews section, meanwhile, presents review
and discussion of the most important books recently published in the field.
You can find selected
studies and reviews from the new third issue of Istishraf available for
download on the website. The other contents of this edition are also available
for purchase, while the contents of all previous issues are freely available
and downloadable.