The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published their eighth yearbook, Istishraf. It includes the following studies: “The Dialectics of Climate Change and Food Security in Morocco and Egypt: An Essay to Monitoring Future Features”, by Houcine Chougrani and Basel Amine Rajoub; “The Futures of Climate Change Mitigation Policies in the Arab Region”, by Rachid El-Bazzim; “Role of the City, Society, and Future Urban Trends in Facing the Repercussions of Climate Change: The Case of Contemporary Gulf Cities”, by Ali A Alraouf; “The New Roles of Armies in the Context of Climate Change and its Security Repercussions, with Reference to Arab Countries”, by Khalid Elkadaoui; “Climate Changes and their Impact on the Future of the Water Crisis in Iraq”, by Abdalwahab Karim Hamed and Zahraa Abbas Hadi; “Future Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources, Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in the Maghreb”, by Aicha Kabi; “Climate Change and its Effects on Green Movements in Arab Countries: The Case of Morocco and Tunisia”, by Elhabib Stati Zineddine and Ikbal Ben Moussa; “Green Tax in the Arab World; Referring to Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia Cases”, by Mohammed Saddougui; and “Forecasting the Future of Green Theory in the Face of Climate Change in the Arab World”, by Mohcen Nadoui.
The issue also includes a translation of the study: “Delphi-Based Future Scenarios: A Bibliometric Analysis of Climate Change Case Studies” by Yuri Calleo and Francesco Pilla. The reviews included Abdedaim Battioui and Robert V Lee IV’s reading of Exploring the Futures of Climate Change Studies on the ArabWorld, the Editorial Board’s critical review of Capitalist Roots of Climate Change and its Futures, and Abdessamad al-Abbassi ’s reading of Future Prospects for Sustainability in Morocco: A Critical Reading of the New Development Model. The issue concludes with a section dedicated to a selection of articles and book reviews outside the issue’s topic, which are nonetheless of interest to the field of future studies.