The thirty-second issue of Siyasat Arabiya, the bi-monthly Political Science and International Relations journal, published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is now available. This issue comprises a special section on youth and democratic transition, with articles that include: "Generational Movements in the Context of Democratic Transition: A Theoretical Introduction to the Concepts and Foundational Statements" by Ahmed Tohamy; "Does Generational Theory Provide an Explanation for the Tunisian Revolution?" by Chaker Houki; "From the 20 February Movement to the Rif Movement: Does Morocco Fear Democracy, or the Youth Generation?" by Ahmed Elkatabi; "Youth in Sudan and the Reformation of the Public Sphere: A Study of the Dynamics of Social Action and the Potentialities for Public Involvement" by Ashraf Osman Mohammed Elhassan; and "Democratic Transition in Somalia: Somali Youth as Influencers" by Abdirahman Issa.
This issue further contains two studies: "The Status of Jerusalem in Israeli Law and the Trump Announcement: The Repercussions and the Prospects for Confrontation" by Alaa Mahajna; and "Participatory Democratic Transition in Tunisia: Elitist Answers in a Revolutionary Context" by Ayman Bouganmi. Additionally, Ahmed Qasem Hussein offers a review of the book Smart Power Approach as a Mechanism for International Change: the case of USA by Saif Al-Hirmizi, alongside reports on the conferences, "The Syrian Revolution: Seven Years On, What Went Wrong?" by the editorial board, and "Indo-Arab Relations: The Evolving Dynamics with a Rising Power" by Ihab Maharmeh. Dana El Kurd provides a report on "Evaluating the General Living Conditions of the Egyptian Citizenry: from the January, 2011 Revolution to the 2018 Presidential Elections" and the documentation series for this edition covers "Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World 111 1/3/2018 - 30/4/2018" and "Palestine over Two Months 116 1/3/2018 - 30/4/2018".
The journal can be purchased from the Siyasat Arabiya Website, where selected articles from previous issues are available for free download.