
The 41st issue of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. This issue includes the following articles: "Reflections on the Question of Identity" by Azmi Bishara; "Identity in Contemporary French Philosophy: A Vincent Descombes Case Study" by Zwawi Beghoura; "Why the Return of Identity? Charles Taylor’s Critique of Modernity and Secularism" by Rasheed Al Haj Saleh; "Axel Honneth on Recognition and Identity." by Kamel Boumenir"; “The Feminist Approach to the Notion of Identity in Martha Nussbaum’s Philosophy," by Michael Medhat; "Amartya Sen and Identity" by Sari Nusseibeh; and "Is there a Place for Identity in a Globalized World? An Exploration of Zygmunt Bauman’s "Liquid Identity" by Hajjaj Abu Jabr.

The issue also includes two translated articles: Davide Sparti's "Identity and Its Dilemmas: From Personal Identity to Social Recognition," translated by Zawawi Baghourah, and Rob Cover's "Identity in the Disrupted Time of COVID-19: Performativity, Crisis, Mobility, and Ethics," translated by Hajjaj Abu Jabr.

The issue also contains Kamel Terchi's review of An Identity with Forty Faces by Dariush Shaigan, and Abdallah Al-Jasmi's review of Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment by Francis Fukuyama.