The ACRPS has announced a change to the date of its Eighth Annual Democratic Transition Conference, originally set to be held from 12-14 September, to 13-15 October 2019. This is to avoid clashing with the newly-announced presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for the same period.
Recognizing the importance of transitional justice to the broader theme of democratic transition, the 2019 annual conference on Arab Democratic Transition will be dedicated to the theme of “Transitional Justice and the Democratic Transition in the Arab Countries: Politics, History and Memory”. The meeting will provide participants the opportunity to explore both Arab and foreign experiences of transitional justice. The aim will be to understand the contribution, if any, which transitional justice can make not only to the resolution of conflicts, but also the transition to democracy. Beyond hosting the conference, the Tunisian experience will be a major highlight of the meeting, with the organizers expecting to welcome a large number of Tunisian participants who can comment on the experience of their country in seeking to find a means to transitional justice.