Due to massive demand from scholars who want to participate in the First Annual Gulf Studies Forum, the submission deadline for research proposals to be considered for the conference has been extended to Friday, May 15, 2015. All other information below remains relevant.
The ACRPS will convene the Gulf Studies Forum in the first week of December 2015. This year, the Forum will address the topic of Education in the Gulf, alongside a discussion of the broader challenges posed by the regional and international environment for the GCC states, which will feature as a permanent item on the Forum’s annual agenda.
For its inaugural meeting, the Forum will stress the importance of education in state-building and community development, placing key educational issues, policies and strategies in the Gulf on the table for discussion. In parallel, the meeting will also provide the opportunity to discuss the broader challenges facing the Gulf in light of growing regional and global threats. Topics explored will include Gulf security, GCC relations with regional and global powers, the regional order, and Gulf policies toward non-state actors.
In preparation for the session, the Forum’s Academic Committee is pleased to invite Arab university professors and researchers to submit research papers on topics related to the above issues. Research proposals will be considered and need to be received no later than May 15, 2015. The proposal should define the key problem addressed by the research, its importance, and the new dimension the proposed research will bring to it. In addition, researchers are also expected to provide a list of references and potential sources used alongside their proposal.
Received proposals are subject to review and approval by the Academic Committee. Completed papers based on the approved proposals and adhering to ACRPS research paper specifications are to be submitted by September, 1, 2015.
The Academic Committee will inform researchers of decisions on the research proposals or of requests for amendments to proposals to enhance the quality of the research. Please direct all correspondence to Mr. Nerouz Satik by email: nerouz.satik@dohainstitute.org
To read the complete background paper for the conference, please click here.
To review the specifications for research papers submitted to the ACRPS, click here.
The ACRPS covers travel expenses and accommodation in Doha during the days of the meeting.