The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 49th issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya. This issue includes a special segment titled “On Forced Migration and Displacement”, comprising of the articles: “Returning Syrian Refugees from Neighbouring Host Countries: Lessons from Global Experiences” by Sultan Barakat and Ghassan ElKahlout; “Forced Migration of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in the Disputed Territories of Iraq: A Case Study of the Yazidi Minority after 2014” by Majid Hassan Ali; “Forced Displacement in Area C and the (Palestinian) Jordan Valley under Israeli Settler Colonialism” by Kholoud Al Ajarma & Ihab Maharmeh. The issue additionally includes: “The Nation-State in the Transition of Islamic Thought in the Indian Subcontinent” by Omair Anas; “US-Iran Relations under the Trump Administration: Exchanges and Consequences,” by Mahjoob Zweiri & Muyassar Suleiman. Also provided is a translation of Adam Przeworski’s "Capitalism, Development, and Democracy" by Abdou Moussa El-Bermawy.
The issue also presents a paper on the Arab Opinion Index by Public Opinion Polling Unit, "Arab Public Opinion on the Palestinian Cause," followed by the documentation of Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World and Palestine over two months, 1/1 - 28/2/2021, along with select Documents of Democratic Transition in the Arab World. The issue ends with Ahmed Mohsen’s book review of Businessmen in Arms: How the Military and Other Armed Groups Profit in the MENA Region edited by Elke Grawert and Zeınab Abul-Magd and Rana Barout’s review of PolitischeTheologie by Karl Schmitt.