The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 40th issue (Spring 2022) of the quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences.
This special issue titled “Critical Approaches to Ongoing Social Shifts in Syria” includes four articles: “Regime Elite Turnover in the Waning Syrian Civil War (2016-2021): Socio-Economic Approach” by Ammar Shamaileh, Alan Aloskan and Mohammed Zahr; “Ethnography of the Political Behaviour of Idlib's Agricultural Boundaries in the 2011 Uprising” by Nerouz Satik; “Life and Death in Times of War: Comparative Analysis of Birth and Mortality Rates in the Latakia Governorate, Syria” by Mada Shuraiki; “Subjects in Contested Spaces: Securitisation of Kurdish Langauge in Syria” by Yunus Abakay. In addition, the articles section includes a study titled “The Fragmented Identity: Comprehension of Kurdish Political Identity Construction” by Seevan Saeed. Also provided is a translation of Michelle D. Weitzel's “Engineering Affect: Street Politics and Microfoundations of Governance” by Moeen Roumeih.
The book review section includes Chris Hitchcock's comparative reading of Authoritarian Apprehensions by Lisa Wedeen and The Rule of Violence by Salwa Ismail; Rama Sahtout's review of Syria:The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State by Dawn Chatty; Sinan Hawat’s review of State and Tribes in Syria: Informal Alliances and Conflict Patterns by Haian Dukhan; and, finally, Mouldi Lahmar’s review of Understanding Revolutions: Opening Acts in Tunisia by Azmi Bishara.