The thirtieth issue of Siyasat Arabiya, the bi-monthly Political Science and International Relations journal, published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is now available. This issue includes the articles: “On the Concept of Development: Consociational Democracy and its Adequacy for Resolving Sectarian Conflicts: Northern Ireland and Lebanon as Case Studies” by Azmi Bishara; “Lessons Learned from Post-Conflict Recovery: Towards the Unification of Arab Efforts” by Sultan Barakat and Ghassen Elkahlout; “Syndicalistic Activism and the Challenges of the Transitional Phase since the "Arab Spring”: The Case of the Tunisian General Union of Labor” by Mouldi Lahmar; “Electoral Engineering in the Transitional Phase: The National Constituent Assembly Elections in Tunisia as a Case Study” by Abderrazak Al Mokhtar; and “The European Union and the Gulf Crisis: Context and Attitudes,” by Ahmad Qasim Hussein.
In addition, Siyasat Arabiya contains a translation of the study “The Deep State: An Emerging Concept in Comparative Politics,” by Patrick H. O'Neil, and translated by Hacene Masbah. Dana El Kurd has contributed with a paper based on the Arab Opinion Index findings entitled “Religiosity and its Political Effect”. The regular Documentation section of this edition includes “Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World 117 1/11/2017 - 31/12/2017” and “Palestine Over Two Months 122 1/11/2017 - 31/12/2017”. Finally, the edition contains two book reviews. Mahmoud Abdalel reviewed "Inside the Muslim Brotherhood: Religion, Identity, and Politics" by Khalil al-Anani while Khalil Fadl Osman reviewed "The Unravelling: High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq" by Emma Sky.