The ACRPS has published the 25th issue of its peer-reviewed journal Siyasat Arabia, devoted to political science and international relations and published bi-monthly in Beirut and Doha. This issue includes the following papers:
“Hybrid Regimes in the Arab Mashreq and their Role in Turning Political Disputes into Identity Conflicts” (Belal M Shobaki); “The Army, Monarchy and the Establishment in Morocco” (Ihsane Elhafidi); “Social Movements in Algeria and the Hard Transition” (Arbi Boumediene); “The Political Economy of the Libyan Crisis” (Adel Zeggagh and Sofiane Mansouri); “Features of Shiite Political Discourse in Iraq after the Fall of Mosul” (Rafid Jabboori); “The Iranian Nuclear Agreement with the P5+1 and its Impact on Iranian-Saudi Relations” (Eva Haddad); “Salafism in a Sufi Society: the Case of Turkey” (Emad Y. Kaddorah) and “An Independent Discipline? A Comparative Study of Arguments over the Separation/Connection of International Relations and Political Science” (Hamzeh Almoustafa).
This edition also covers the findings from the Arab Opinion Index “How the Arabs view the United States of America at the Handover from Obama to a New Presidency” (Israa Batayneh). Additionally, it outlines the key milestones in democratic transition in the Arab World and highlights the major political events occurring in Palestine during January and February 2017.
Issue 25 also comprises three important book reviews: Ahmed Qassem Hussein’s review of Nous ne sommes plus seuls au monde (We are no longer alone in the world) by Bertrand Badie, Frédéric Maatouk’s review of The Iran Wars by Jay Solomon and Louay Abdulfattah’s review of “Intelligence and Intelligence Gathering in Democracies” by Jean-Claude Cousseran and Philippe Hayez.
Copies of this and other editions of Siyasat Arabiya are available through the ACRPS Electronic Bookstore (link in Arabic).