The twenty-seventh edition of Siyasat Arabiya, a bi-monthly political science journal published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is now available. Alongside peer reviewed academic papers covering a range of topics included in Siyasat Arabiya 27, the journal carries a special section covering the ongoing crisis in intra-Gulf relations. Specifically, these include: "Qatar's Diplomacy: Facing the Challenges of the Gulf Crisis" by Nawaf Al Tamimi; "The Repercussions, Present Reality and Future Trajectories of the Gulf Crisis: a Forecasting Approach" by Mohammad Al-Rumaihi; "The American Position towards the Gulf Crisis" by Osama Abu Irshaid; "The Changing American Perception of the Gulf Crisis" by Zouhair Much; "Iran and the Gulf Crisis: Losses and Gains" by Mahjoob Zweiri; "Another Way: Morocco, Sudan and Somalia React to the Intra-Gulf Crisis" by Abubakr Abdelrazig and Hamzeh Almoustafa; "Frameworks for Joint Arab Anti- Terrorism Efforts: the Foundation of Arab Cooperation or a Pawn in Political Disputes" by Abdou Moussa; "Al Jazeera and the Gulf Crisis: Background and History" by Ali El-Saleh Moula.
Siyasat Arabiya 27 included two additional studies, the first, "Resistance under Military Rule: The Forms of Political Mobilization in Egypt since the June, 2013 Coup" by Khalil Al-Anani, and "Soldiers of Arabia: Why Have Three Gulf States Introduced Conscription?" by Zoltan Barani. These are followed by an abridged Arabic translation, by Ahmed El Morabety, of "After the Spring: Reforming Arab Armies" a piece by Florence Gaub published in English by the Strategic Studies Institute.
Also published in Siyasat Arabiya 27, is a paper on the Arab Opinion Index, "Who Supports ISIL?: Understanding the Roots of Sympathy with the Islamic State" and a review by Ghassan Izzi of the book Terror in France: The Rise of French Jihad by Gilles Kepel. Finally, "Milestones in the Arab Democratic Transition" and "Palestine over Two Months" are regular sections included in every edition of Siyasat Arabiya.
This and all available issues of Siyasat Arabiya are available on the journal website.