The 33rd edition of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies. This Special Issue is titled from "Memory" to "Memory Studies": Interdisciplinary Arab Approaches" and includes the following articles: "Memory from the Perspective of the Historian" by Wajih Kawtharani; "Memory of Place: Names of Palestinian Towns and Villages between Historical Continuity and Zionist Eradication" by Muhammad Maraqten; ""Our Heritage is the Universe": Fragments of a Discourse on Forgetting" by Rachid Boutayeb; "From History to the Novel: Collective Memory as a Source of Narration" by Driss El khadraoui; and "Transitional Justice Discourse in Tunisia and the Construction of Categories: The Matrix of Time/ Place/Body/Memory" by Sofia Hanezla.
The issue also contains Translation of Pierre Nora's paper "L'avènement mondial de la mémoire" [The Global Rise of Remembrance] by Mirvat Abou Khalil and of Sobhi Al–Zobaidi's paper "Digital Nomads: Between Homepages and Homelands" by Abdul–Rahim Al–Shaikh. Rachid El Khadiri offers a Book Review of Memory as the Narrative Haven: A Reading of Ahlam Mostaghanemi's Novel Series by Abdulkhaleq Amrawi while Zouheir Soukah finishes the issue with a review of On Collective Memory by Maurice Halbwachs.
The journal content is available for free download on the Tabayyun Website.