The 36th edition of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies. This issue includes the following articles: “Contemporary Moral Theories and Problems of Applications: Moral Dilemmas and Decision-Making as a Model” by Mohamed Ourya; “On the Philosophical and Legal Concept of State of Emergency: The Dialectic of State and Society” by Mustafa Chadli; “John Rawls’ Theory of Distributive Justice and its Critics” by Mounir Kchaou; “Antonio Negri: The Question of Time and the Materialist Turn of Phenomenology” by Mohamed Hadi Omari; “The Role of Imagination in Kantian Epistemology Theory: Between the First and Second Editions of The Critique of the Pure Reason” by Amer Shatara; “Memory in the Pandemic and the Pandemic in Memory” by Zouheir Soukah; and “The Development of Critical Thinking in the Moroccan Educational Sector” by Elhabib Stati Zineddine.
The issue includes Mouhssin Zekri’s Arabic translation of Rubén Arriazu Muñoz’ study of “Hermeneutics of the Post-Truth Era: A Study of Media Discourse Rhetoric”. Three works feature in Book Reviews: Driss El Khadraoui’s The Critical Writing ofMuhammad Barada: Reference and Discourse by Rachid El-Khadri; George Makdisi’s Hanbali Islam, by Chamseddin Alkilani; Raed Al-Samhouri’s Imagined Ancestors: An Analytical Historical Approach to the Idea of the Ancestors in the Context of the Mihna, Ahmed bin Hanbal and the Imagined Ahmed bin Hanbal, by Muhammed Salah Salim.
In recognition of the efforts made by Tabayyun’s contributing researchers since the journal’s Fall 2012 launch with the aim of advancing scientific research and learning through high caliber studies and research in philosophy and critical thought ˗ and considering the exceptional circumstances in which we are currently living ˗ the Arab Center offers free access to all the journal’s issues. We hope this can benefit the community taking an interest in intellectual and philosophical studies that undertake to subject received concepts and hypotheses to dispassionate analysis ˗ deconstructing, overriding, and synthesizing them as necessary towards arriving at clear, meaningful, and evidence-based conclusions. Given the restrictions necessitated by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and the global imperative to contain it, all contents of the journal will be freely available for download from the Tabayyun website: