The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) has published the twenty second issue of its quarterly peer-reviewed journal Tabayyun, a journal dedicated to cultural studies and critical theory. This edition is comprised
of the following studies: "A New Ethical Synthesis for the Arab future" (Fahmi Gadaan); "The Place of Ethics in Islamic Jurisprudence"(Hamadi Dhuwayb); "The Ethics of Prudence in Al Farabi's Philosophy and its Relevance to Contemporary Arab Philosophical Thought" (Moulaye Ahmed Moulaye Abdelkerim Jaavar); "Ethics in Modernity: From a Secondary to a Central Domain in Wael Hallaq's Approach" (Mohamed Bouhlel) and " Can Citizenship Pave the Way for a Functional Arab Morality? A Study of the Positivity of Value" (Moula Ali Salah).
The book review section includes Elhabib Stati Zineddine on "Laroui Questions Himself about Self and Nation: A Reading of Istibana" and Yusuf Bin Uday on "A Reading of Abdel-Aziz Lamoul's The Categories in the Philosophy of Ibn Rushd". In the report section Frederic Maatouk covers the Kuwaiti Symposium on Interfaith Dialogue.
Further information about this and previous editions of Tabayyuncan be found on the journal website, or bought through the ACRPS electronic bookstore (link in Arabic).