The ACRPS published the eighth issue of Siyasat Arabia, a bi-monthly publication dedicated to public policy, political science, and international relations, in May 2014. This latest issue carries a number of articles from regular contributors, as well as ACRPS staff members, including: “Israel and the Boycott Movement” by Mahmoud Muhareb; “Eurasian Russia and the Issues of the Arab Levant” by Mohammed Adil Shreih; “International Law: Present Reality and the Prospects for Global Jurisdiction in Light of Globalization” by Roderick Elia Abi Khalil; “Sudan’s National Dialogue: Opportunities for Success and Challenges” by Elnour Hamad; “Lebanon: The Presidential Vacuum Awaits Regional and International Changes” by Saoud al-Mawla; “Non-state Violent Actors: An Examination of the Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks” by Chaharazad Admam; “The Threat Posed by an Alliance of Terrorism and Organized Crime: Relations between Armed Groups and Drug Trafficking Networks in the Case of North Africa” by Abdelqader Dandan; “The Yemeni Spring and the Challenges of Development” by Qais al-Aryani; “Political Opposition in Morocco: Containment and Exclusion” by Noureddine Elhouti; “Local Government Elections in Turkey: Voters Show their Cunning” by Marwan Kabalan; “Palestinian Reconciliation: Driving Factors and Prospects of Palestinian Reconciliation” by the ACRPS Policy Analysis Unit; “Yemeni and Palestinian Public Opinion on Topical Issues of National Concern” by Mohammad Almasri.

In its book reviews section, this issue of Siyasat Arabia contains Saleh Sulieman Abdulazeem’s review of National Intellectual Capital and the Financial Crisis in Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Thailand by Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Leif Edvinsson, Jeffrey Chen, and Tord Beding; Khaled Waleed Mahmoud’s review of The Plight of Palestine and its Political and Military Secrets by General Saeeb al-Jubouri; Naima Abu Mustafa’s review of The Daily Struggle for Palestinian Women in the Realm of Life by Abdel Qader Yassine and others; Nerouz Satik’s review of The Geostrategic Repercussions of the Arab Revolutions by multiple authors; and Ziad Mona’s review of Prisoners of the White House: the Isolation of American Presidents and the Crisis of Leadership by Kenneth Walsh.
Finally, this issue of Siyasat Arabia also includes a chronological breakdown of significant steps taken toward democratization in the Arab Homeland, as well as a background briefing on Palestinian affairs from March to April 2014.
To obtain copies of this and previous editions of Siyasat Arabia, please visit the ACRPS Digital Bookstore (Arabic website).