The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the sixteenth issue of their biannual peer-reviewed journal Ostour. Articles in this issue include “The “as-Salami al-Masallati” Family (8-9th AH/ 14-15th AD centuries): From the Tripoli Mountains Margins to the Prestige of the Mashreq Metropolises during the Mamluk era”; by Hafed Abdouli; “Historical Sources of the Revolution and the Mahdist State in Sudan (1881-1898): The Problem of Diversity and a Methodological Criteria” by Ahmed Ibrahim Abushouk; “Tangier-Tetouan Road in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-century,” by Abdelhafid Hamman; “German Foreign Policy towards Turkey in the Context of the WWII: A Vision from a War Economy Perspective”, by Mohammed Gachi; and “Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri and His Book Futuh al-Buldan,” by Mohannad Mubaidin.
The translation published in this issue is “Venus in Two Acts” by Saidiya Hartman, translated by Abdul-Rahim Al-Shaikh. The book review section includes Amal Ghazal’s review of Dhofar: The Monsoon Revolution: Republicans, Sultans and Empires in Oman (1965-1976) by Abdul Razzaq Al-Tikriti and Adil ET-Tahiri's review of Europe in the Nineteenth Century: Napoleon by Mohamed Habeida. The documents section showcases a “Royal legislation during the 19th century: Morocco's Port Regulation Law,” presented by Basraoui Yahya. The issue also contains three pieces from the Ostour seminar: Ahmed El Sherbini's “The Efforts of Egyptian Historians in Studying the History of the Crusades: Processes and Developments,” Khaled Azab's “The Historical Narrative of Archaeology in Egypt,” and Hossam Abed Almati's “Trends in Writing the History of Egypt in the Ottoman Era During the Last Quarter of the Twentieth Century.”