The 42nd issue of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. This issue includes the following articles: “Richard Rorty's Political Pragmatism between Liberal Utopias and Ironism” by Djedidi Mohamed; “What is Political Philosophy? A Study of the Concept and its Limits in Charles Larmore's Thought” by Zwawi Beghoura; “Does Political Theory Still Exist?” by Isaiah Berlin and translated by Hajjaj Abu Jabr; “The Capability Approach: From Sen to Nussbaum” by Sari Nusseibeh; “The Problem of Citizenship and Cultural Identity between Habermas and Nassar: Comparative Study of European and Lebanese Realities,” by Abdalrahman Al Sholi; “On the Morality of Secession: Buchanan and Fact-Sensitive Secession” by Bassam Nasser.
The issue also contains Kamel Terchi's review of Civil Society: A Critical Study by Azmi Bishara, and Nofal Hajj Latif's review of Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy by John Rawls, and Abdul Salam Al-Kikli's review of What is Liberalism? Ethics, Politics, Society by Katherine Odar.
*** Given the challenges posed by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the ACRPS has made all issues of Tabayyun available for free access on its website