The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published their sixth volume of the annual journal, Istishraf. The issue includes the following studies: “The Science and Technology System in the Arab World: Facts and Futures” by Moza Mohammad Al-Rabban; “Towards Forecasting the Futures of Research in Arab Science and Technology In Light of Leading International Experiences” by Azeeddine Bouchikhi; “Nanotechnology in the Arab world: Past, Present and Future Prospects” by Khaled Saoud; “Science and Technology Transformations in Arab Countries: A case study of renewable energies in Morocco, Egypt, and Jordan” by Rachid El-Bazzim; “‘Covi-Politics’ and its Impact on Shaping the Future of the World and the Arab Region: A Reading of the Reality of International and Arab Scientific Research Policies in the Field of Vaccines and their Futures” by Osama Abu El Rub; “From Digital Addiction to Digital Wellbeing: Future Digitization and its Challenges in the Arab World” by Raian Ali et al.; “The Future of Medicine, Genetics, and Genomics: Stakes and Risks” by Fatma Gargouri; “Digital Transformation and the Future of Social Sciences and Humanities” by Ghassan Mourad; “Science Fiction and Thinking about the Future Locally and Globally” by Mazin al-Ramdhani; and “History of Science as a Gateway to the Renaissance of Arab Sciences ” by Mohammed Abattouy.
The issue also includes a translated study: “Imagining the Impossible: The Shifting Role of Utopian Thought in Civic Planning, Science Fiction, and Future Studies” by Paul Graham Raven, translated by Aoumria Soltani. The Reviews section includes: a review of Klaus Schwab's "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" by the editorial board; Amina Mostefa Della’s review of Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War by Paul Scharre; and Omar Almagharebi’s review of The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope by Daniel Greene.