
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 48th issue (Spring 2024) of the quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences. This issue contains the following studies: “Colonial Paternalism under Israeli Military Rule (1967-1977): Social Welfare as a Case” by Ashraf Othman Bader and Asem Khalil; “Biomedicine as a Folk Medicine for the Mentally Ill and Their Families: A Study in Reproducing Medical Prescription Outside the Hospital in Morocco” by Farouk Tahri; “Transformations of Political Discourse in Libya After 2011: A Study of The Joint Effect of Belongingness” by Saleh Abu Alkhir; “The Sudanese Professionals Association and the Question of Organization and Leadership in the Sudanese Revolution (2018-2019)” by Ahmed Ibrahim Abushouk; and “The October Uprising of 2019: Did It Impact in the Structure of the Lebanese Political System?” by Paul Tabar.

The issue also includes a discussion titled “Arab Spring Movements under the Social Sciences Microscope: Hypotheses and Conclusions” by Abdelmajid Skhairi, and Grayce Abou Khaled’s translation of “On Reflexivity in Ethnographic Practice and Knowledge Production: Thoughts from the Arab Region” by Muzna Al-Masri, Samar Kanafani, Lamia Moghnieh, Helena Nassif, Elizabeth Saleh and Zina Sawwaf. In the reports section, Majd Abuamer contributes his paper “What Arabs Think About When They Think About Migration? Insights from the Arab Opinion Index (2011-2022)”. Two book reviews are featured: Khatri Elayachi’s review of The Fundamentals of Social Representations: Sources, Theories and Practices by Sandrine Gaymard; and Mohamed Elmakhloufi’s review of Narrative Research in The Social Sciences: Theories and Applications by Hassane Hjij.