The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 58th issue of its bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya. This special issue dedicated to Sport and Politics includes the following articles: "Social Sciences and the Sport Phenomenon: Towards an Epistemological Map" by Haider Saeed; "Authoritarian Regimes' Performances in the Olympics: Does Regime Personalization Matter?" by Abdelkarim Amengay and Ammar Shamaileh; "Sports and International Relations: Thinking of Sports through the Lense of Positivism" by Ahmed Qasem Hussein; "World Cup 2022: A Space to Build a Global Qatari Identity" by Sena Khateeb.
The issue presents a translation of Richard Gruneau’s "Whither ‘the People?’: Populism, Ideology, and the Contested Politics of Sport," by Ali Abdul Samad. Also included in this issue is the documentation of Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World and Palestine over two months, 1/7-31/8/2022, along with select documents on Democratic Transition in the Arab World. The issue also contains Mohammed Hemchi’s review of Qatar and the 2022 FIFA World Cup: Politics, Controversy, Change by Paul Michael Brannagan and Danyel Reiche. It concludes with Majd Abuamer’s report Ukraine: Conventional and Unconventional Military Developments and Foreign Fighters.