Regardless of the final outcome of the Arab Spring, it is beyond doubt that the Arab Homeland is undergoing an exceptional revolutionary moment and has witnessed a formative year, which does not often occur in history. Thus, the year 2011 will enter history as an exceptional Arab year, the likes of which come only once in a lifetime, and once in every generation. Not only was 2011 an exceptional year, but it was also a formative one, with transformations of such depth and magnitude that they have cancelled all of the postulates, institutions, personalities, mentalities, and behaviors that existed prior to 2011, while laying the foundations for what would come to replace them. This rupture was total, comprehensive, and, perhaps, final. The events of 2011 will enter history as foundational events, not only for Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain, but also for the entire Arab region. What has been confirmed is that the era of Arab stasis, surrender, frustration, and misery, which lasted too long, extending over more than four decades, has finally reached its end.