The ACRPS's peer-reviewed yearbook devoted to forecasting and futurology, Istishraf, invites researchers to submit academic papers for the upcoming special issue on "The Futures and Repercussions of Demographic Transformations in the Arab World".
Istishraf welcomes research proposals on "The Futures and Repercussions of Demographic Transformations in the Arab World" which offer new approaches or which offer value in their presentation of novel results. In-principle acceptance of papers is contingent on an acceptance of the proposals. Complete drafts of accepted proposals will further be subject to an academic refereeing/peer review process.
Authors interested in submitting their work to this upcoming special edition should send proposals, together with their academic CVs, by email to:, no later than April 30, 2020. Completed drafts should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words. Work in either Arabic or English will be accepted; submitted, accepted works in English will be translated into Arabic before publication in Istishraf.
For further details, please refer to the Background Paper for Special Issue