The fifth annual Gulf Studies Forum will be held between 1-3 December, 2018 in Doha, Qatar. In keeping with tradition at the ACRPS, the Forum will be devoted to two themes, studied in parallel. The first will concentrate on social transformations in the Gulf states and the complexities of identity and values. A second, parallel set of panel discussions will be devoted to studying the US-Gulf relationship.
In the
background paper, the organizers highlight how the question of a "Gulf Identity" in its political and cultural aspects relates to the dynamism of Gulf societies. Equally, the background paper allows for growing differences in opinion between the governments of the Gulf states and the United States over a number of regional issues.
In the run-up to the conference, the organizers invite prospective participants to submit proposals including an outline of the paper by the
end of May, 2018 (extended deadline).
Authors of proposals accepted by the organizing committee will be notified by email and expected to submit a complete draft of between 5,000 and 6,000 words in length no later than 15 September, 2018. Please note that conference submissions to the ACRPS continue will be subject to a peer review process.
For further details, please contact the organizing committee by emailing
Gulf Forum Organizing Committee