On 7 and 8 December 2019, the ACRPS will hold the sixth annual Gulf Studies Forum at its headquarters in Doha.
The Forum will consider the most important issues and challenges facing the countries of the Arab Gulf within two parallel tracks: Public Policymaking in the Gulf States (domestic issues track) and Threats to the Gulf States in the Regional and International Environment (international relations track). Papers in the first track will focus on public policymaking both within states or at the GCC level, particularly since the Qatar blockade, which has thrown into question whether it is still possible to talk about coordinated public policy and integration in the Gulf or the creation of a regional system supporting a government of institutions economically and socially. Papers in the second track will concentrate on the security threats to the Gulf that demand new policies and strategies to replace traditional approaches rendered obsolete by events.
The Conference will be divided into a number of sessions each including approximately four research papers. Discussions will be attended by elite researchers from the Gulf, the Arab World and elsewhere.