The ACRPS has published the 34th issue (Autumn 2020) of its quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences. This edition contains the following studies: “Women in Lebanese Judiciary: Added Value or More of the Same?” by Azza Elhajj Sleiman & Azza Charara Baydoun; “Women's Rights under Algerian Political Reform: Between Demands for Personal Rights and Accordance with Religious Authority” by Belkacem Benzenine; “Shanty Town Youth in Morocco: Discrimination, Stigmatization, and Resistance Strategies (A Case Study of the “Duwar al-Sehd” in Temara City)” by Yassine Yassni; “Production of the Marginalised in the British Labor Market: A Study of the Intersections of Religious and Ethnic Identity” by Nabil Khattab; and “The Long-term Unemployment as a Normative Construction: Forms and Mechanisms of Resistance (A Sociological Approach to the Case of Meknes)” by Bouchra Jeouni.
Featured in the Translation Section is Habib Derouich's Arabic rendition of Pierre Bourdieu “Participant Objectivation”. Two book reviews are also featured in Omran 34 including: Abdelhamid Abidi's review of Capital and Ideology by Thomas Piketty; and Maryam Hawari's review of Breaking the Binaries in Security Studies: A Gendered Analysis of Women in Combat by Ayelet Harel-Shalev & Shir Daphna-Tekoah.