
The ACRPS has published the 30th issue (Autumn 2019) of its quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences. This edition contains the following studies: “Toward Shaping a Vision for the Development of Jerusalem’s Suburbs: Al-Zaiem, Anata, Al-Ram and Kafer Aqab as Examples” by Rassem Khamaisi; “Political Subjectivation in the Experience of the Youth of the February 20 Movement in Morocco” by Hafsa Afailal and Francesco Vacchiano; “An Introduction to the Political Economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory” by Tariq Dana; The Idea of Poverty and the Reality of Being Poor” by Ghabbach Manoubi; and “Migration of Religious Studies Students from West Africa to Souss in Southern Morocco: Politics, Religious Education and the Production of Elites” by Rachid Benbih.
The issue also includes a translation of Erving Goffman’s “On Face-Work: An Analysis of Ritual Elements in Social Interaction” translated by Thaer Deeb. Ahmad Iz Addin As’ad offers a review of Diary of the Siege of Beirut: Leaving Our Last Tent by Jamal Hilal, while Yassine Atana reviews of Introduction à la sociologie de l’imaginaire by Valentina Grassi. 

The journal is available for purchase at the Omran website where selected studies and reviews are also available for free download.