The ACRPS has published the 26th issue (Autumn 2018) of its quarterly peer-reviewed journal Omran, dedicated to the social sciences and humanities. This edition contains the following studies: “Theoretical Concepts in Population Migration: a Comparative Analytical Study” by Hashim Nimah Fayad; “Cross-cultural Psychology and Psychology of Acculturation: Analytical Study of Identity and Acculturation” by Azzam Amin; “Arab Universities and the Challenges of Social Change” by Adnan El Amine; “Towards Social Sciences in the Arab Context: The Need for Grounded Theory” by Basem Mahmud; and “The Image of Women in the Discourse of Miracle and Religious Practices in Morocco” by Abdelhadi Arabe.
The issue also includes a translation of Mark S. Granovetter’s “The Strength of Weak Ties” by Thaer Deeb and a discussion of “Social Movements and Protest in Transitional Contexts” by Abderrahmane Rachik. Shady Lewis offers a review of Copts and the Security State: Violence, Coercion, and Sectarianism in Contemporary Egypt by Laure Guirguis, while Mohammed Meziane reviews Vegetarian Morocco: 15th-18th Century, History and Biology by Mohamed Houbaida. Finally, in the reports section, Mona Abdelhady contributes her review of the BP Energy Outlook 2018.
The journal is available for purchase at the Omran website where selected studies and reviews are also available for free download.