The ACRPS and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies are pleased to announce publication of the thirteenth issue of its biannual peer-reviewed journal,
Ostour. Articles in this issue include “Historical Writing: Epistemological Junctures”, by Adil ET-Tahiri; “Ottoman Historians and State Reform: A Study Through Historical Sources” by Abdelhay EL Khili, “Critical Issues in the Early Modern History of Morocco: History and Jurisprudence between Moroccans and Iberian Occupiers", by Mohamed Cherif, “Managing Memory in the Context of Transitional Justice: A Comparative Study of Moroccan Experience”, by Abdelaaziz Ettahiri, “Historical Knowledge between Pain Recollected and Societal Reconciliation Realised: the Moroccan Experience as a Model”, by Mohammed Meziane, and “Religious, Customary and Civilian Institutions of Authority in M’zab, Algeria: Origins and Developments”, by Sofia Hanezla.
This issue’s translation is the introduction of
Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth Century Muslim between Worlds by Natalie Zemon Davis. The book review section includes a review of
Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey by Mehmet Osmanli as well as a review of
The Decision by Muhannad Mubaidin.
The documents section focuses on “Rif War Prisoners Through Spanish Documents”, presented by Mohamed Abdel Moumen. The issue concludes three pieces from the
Ostour seminar: Abdelwahed Mokni's “Popular Song and Literary Fiction: Sources for Writing History”, Brahim Elkadiri Boutchich's “The Joke as a Historical Source Do Funny Texts Contribute to Writing Arab History?”, and Fatima Zohra Guechi's “From Journalism to Civil Status: The Historian's Questions and the Path in Search for Sources”.