The ACRPS and Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the fourteenth issue of their biannual peer-reviewed Ostour journal. Articles in this issue include “The Path to Renewal: The French Annales School from Emergence to Collapse (1)”, by Nacereddine Saidouni; “19th Century Slave Markets: The Moroccan Slave Trade,” by Rahal Boubrik; “The Problematic Religious and Political Relationship between the Sultanate and the Christian Awqāf (Endowments) in Ottoman Jerusalem,” by Musa Sroor; “The Balancing Powers in Kuwait During the 1938 Majlis Movement: New Insights From the Legislative Council’s Minutes,” by Abdulrahman Alebrahim; “Makhzen and Beylik: Observations on the Features of Authority and Mechanisms of Government in the Maghreb: Tunisia and Morocco,” by Abdelmajid Ait Elcaid; and “State Memory and Territory between Memory and History: Tunisia and Morocco before Colonialism,” by Adnane Elkarssi.
This issue includes a translation of the first part of “Universal History” by Susan Buck-Morss. The book review section includes Said Benhammada’s review of The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century by Ross E. Dunn as well as Fahmi Romdhani’s review of Tunisian's Tales, Reviews of the Narratives of Affiliation and Origins by Lotfi Aissa. The documents section focuses on “Archives in Israel, the Israeli Historical Narrative, and the Nakba: Unveiling the Report that Refutes the Israeli Historical Narrative”, presented by Mahmoud Muhareb. The issue concludes with Ostour seminar: Haider Saeed's “The Historian and the State”; Jameel Al-Najar's “Contemporary Academic History in Iraq: Critical Approaches to the Study of Modern and Contemporary History”; Naseer Alkaabi's “Modern Iraqi History Encyclopedias: Tracing their Development from Totalitarianism to Regionalism”; Nahar Nori's “Iraqi Historiography before and after 2003: Multiple Variables, Overlapping Methodologies”; and Assaad Eskander's “The Challenges of Historiography in post-2003 Iraq”.