The ACRPS is pleased to announce the publication of the tenth issue of its biannual peer-reviewed journal Ostour. This issue comprises: The Historian and Quantitative Approaches: Demographic Studies of Islamic Cities (Tariq Madani);Religious and sectarian diversity in the early Islamic period: A study of Dirar b. ‘Amr al-Ghatafani’s (d. c. 200AH / 815 AD) Kitab at-Tahrish “The Book of Instigation” (Abdulrahman Helli); Power and Political Criminalization of the Opposition in the Maghreb and al-Andalus of the 10th century CE/4th century AH (Said Benhammada); Ceuta in the Strategy of the Powers of the Western Mediterranean (Mohamed Cherif); Arabic Origins of the Foundational Myth of Western Identity: Between Histories of the Conquest of America and the Conquest of al-Andalus (Mohamed Abderrahman Hasan); Monk and Faqih: An Intersecting Biography of Nicholas Kleinard and Muhammad bin Kharouf (Mohamed Bakkour); and French Islamic School Alumni Associations and the Moroccan National Movement (1921-1956) (Ilyas Foutouh).
This issue’s translation is of the American academic David Carr’s Narrative and the Real World, prepared by Thaer Deeb.
The Book Reviews section comprises three reviews:Review of The Dialectic of Identity and History: Tunisian Readings of Dr. Hicham Djait, by Fahmi Ramadani; Belarbi Khaled’s Renewal in Ibrahim al-Qadiri Boutchiche’s Historiography, A Reading of Marginalized People in the History of the Islamic West: Theoretical and Practical Problems in Subaltern History; and Fazzeh Jamal’s On the Need to Define the Historian’s Trade: A Reading of Bayadh al-Tayyeb’s The Press and History.
The Documents section comprises a study by Salwa al-Zahiri on Four Buried Letters on Bayt al-Maghrib in Cairo.
The issue concludes with the first part of the proceedings of the Ostour Seminar held on 29-30 April 2019 in cooperation with the Doha Institute’s history department, titled Arab Historians and their Sources. The seminar’s further proceedings will be published in due course in later issues of Ostour.
* Please go to the Ostour website for selected free-access studies and reviews from the new issue (10) and the previous two issues. Other content can be purchased here also, while the earlier issues are all available for free-access.