Tabayyun is now in its second year of publication, and the fifth issue of the peer-reviewed quarterly journal has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies. The journal consists of five distinct sections that specialize in intellectual and cultural studies. The latest issue focuses on justice in the contemporary Arab world, with contributions from Azmi Bishara: "A Commentary on the Question of Justice in the Contemporary Arab Context"; Fahmy Jadan: "Justice Within the Bounds of an Arab Deontology"; Mohammad al-Haddad: "The Dialectic of Justice and Freedom in Light of the Arab Revolutions: Democracy as the Justice of the 21st Century"; Said Ben Said al-Alawi: "Justice First: From Awareness to Change to Changing Awareness"; Abdulaziz Labeeb: "Justice in Exceptional Circumstances: Remarks on the International Predicaments of Justice"; and Husam al-Deen Darwish: "Justice as Recognition: A Preliminary Conceptual Study".
Also in this publication, the "Studies" section includes Abdul-Rahim al-Sheikh's
"Deconstructing the ‘Construction': Transformations of the Palestinian Map in Palestinian Imagery"; Mohammad Nureddine Affaya's "Cinema as a Philosophical Subject"; and Mohammad al-Dahi's "Uneasy Identity in Edward Said's Out of Place: A Memoir". The journal's "From the Library" presents Husni Zeina's translation of the first chapter, "The totalitarian state," in Franz Leopold Neumann's Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism 1933-1944. "Reviews and Debates" includes Rachid Yalouh's review of David Johnston's A Brief History of Justice; Hani Awwad's review of Aviel Roshwald's Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires; and Walid Nuwayhid's review of Confronting Culture: Sociological Vistas, authored by David Inglis and John Hughson. The journal closes with "Reports," which in this issue is devoted to Mirvat Abu Khalil's presentation of the "Translation in the Arab World and the Horizons of the Development of the Arabic Language" symposium proceedings, held by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Beirut on May 17-18, 2013.
The cover of the issue and the illustrations within are the work of the Egyptian artist Omar al-Fayyumi.