The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 52nd issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya.
This issue includes four studies in a special issue on Constitutional Issues and Democratic Transitions. The articles include “The State of Rule of Law and Democracy: the Concept and the Requirments of Constitutionalism” by Kamal Djalab; “Constitution Designing and Confidence Building: A Comparative Study of Democratic Transition Experiences” by Marwa Fekry; “A Step Backwards: Implications of the Constitutional Engineering of the Transition on the Foundational Process in Egypt and Tunisia” by Rashad Twam; and “The Constitutional Management of Political Transition in Algeria: Do the Existing Constitutional Paths Meet the Demands of the Hirak?” by Mouslem Babaarabi; Also provided is a translation of Nira Wickramasinghe’s “The Idea of Civil Society in the South: Imaginings, Transplants, Designs” by Mohammed Hemchi.
The issue further presents a paper on the Arab Opinion Index, “Tunisian Public Opinion on the Democratic Experience,” by the Public Opinion Polling Unit, followed by the documentation of Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World and Palestine over two months, 1/7-30/8/2021, along with select Documents of Democratic Transition in the Arab World. The issue ends with Sena Khateeb’s book review of A Study on the Foreign Policy of Qatar by Zuhair al-Mukh.
During the Covid-19 pandemic all contents of issues of Siyasat Arabiya are freely available to download.