The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the 50th issue of the bimonthly peer-reviewed political science and international relations journal, Siyasat Arabiya.
This issue includes four studies in a special issue on International Relations and the Pandemic. The articles include an introduction: “International Relations and the Pandemic: A Short Story and Four Articles" by Mohammed Hemchi, in addition to “International Relations Theories and the Pandemic: Old Wines in New Bottles and an Aging Wine” by Mohammed Hemchi; “The International System and the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Debate over the Effects of Epidemics on International Relations” by Ahmed Qasem Hussein; “The International Political Economy and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Theoretical Reflections” by Chahrazed Khier; and “Populists in Government and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Between the Normality of Measures and the Singularity of Discourse - The Case of the Trump Administration” by Abdelkarim Amengay. Also provided is a translation of David P. Fidler "Disease and Globalized Anarchy: Theoretical Perspectives on the Pursuit of Global Health" by Sara Ismael.
The issue also presents a paper on the Arab Opinion Index by Public Opinion Polling Unit, “Arab Public Opinion and Government Performance in Providing Basic Services,” followed by the documentation of Milestones in Democratic Transition in the Arab World and Palestine over two months, 1/3-30/4/2021, along with select Documents of Democratic Transition in the Arab World. The issue ends with Lourdes Habash's book review of Covid-19 and World Order: The Future 169 of Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation edited by Hal Brands & Francis J. Gavin.