The twenty-eighth edition of Siyasat Arabiya, a bi-monthly political science journal published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is now available.
The latest edition includes the following peer-reviewed academic papers: "Elite v. Geography: Actors, Structures and Qatar Foreign policy" by Marwan Kabalan; "The Legal Ramifications of the Blockade on Qatar in Terms of International Law" by Mohamed Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi; "Analytical Selectivity in the Discipline of International Relations" by Mohamed Hamchi; "Repeated Changes of Palestinian Cabinet Ministers and the Impact on Public Policies: the Point of View of Higher Authorities" by Jehad Alayasa; "Kirkuk in Iraqi Narratives of Victimization and the Victimizer" by Khalil Fadl Osman; and "From Diversity to Division: the Prospects for a Consociational System of Power-Sharing in Kirkuk" by Nahwi Saeed. This edition also includes a translation by Abdou Moussa of Richard N. Haass' "World Order 2.0: The Case for Sovereign Obligation".
The section dedicated to the Arab Opinion Index includes the paper "Arab Public Opinion towards US Foreign Policy during the First Year of the Trump Presidency" by Mohammed al-Masry. It also includes summary of the most important milestones in the democratic transitions in the Arab world between July 1 and August 31 2017, and an overview of developments in Palestine in the same period. This issue also includes two book reviews: The co-edited Has the 2011 Constitution Stalled the Democratic Transition of Morocco? Critique of "Moroccan Experience of Constitutional Reform", reviewed by Yassine Yahyaoui, and Collective Security in the Arab League: Realistic and Structural Theories" by Ahmed Ali Salem, reviewed by Ahmed Qasem Hussein. This edition Ihab Maharmeh's report on the ACRPS symposium: "The Gulf Crises and Blockade of Qatar: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives"
This and all available issues of Siyasat Arabiya are available on the journal website.